Heavy Breathers – Desert rock from the Finnish tundra with a cold breath from the north

(PHOTO: Annukka Issakainen) The Finnish heavy psychedelic rock band will come on tour around Germany in late October 2019!
(PHOTO: Annukka Issakainen) The Finnish heavy psychedelic rock band will come on tour around Germany in late October 2019!

(Promotion)* If you like music from Finland, then you have in late October the chance to see the Psychedelic Rock band “Heavy Breathers” from Finland live on stage in Germany. The guys who all have just played in other famous Finnish rock and metal bands have released their first EP, called “Sweet Dreams” on October 11th, 2019. And with this rocking music, they will come in late October on a minitour to Germany with gigs in Cologne, Karlsruhe, Würzburg und Sebnitz. I talked to singer, guitarist and songwriter Jukka Taskinen about their music and the upcoming Germany tour.

Breathtaking psychedelic rock from Finland – Interview with Jukka Taskinen from the Finnish band Heavy Breathers

(PHOTO: Arto Alho) Jukka Taskinen is the lead guitarist, singer and songwriter of the Heavy Breathers

Moi, nice to meet you and great, that you will start touring in Germany at the end of October. But before we talk about your band and music, just tell us, from which part of Finnland are you originally from?

Jukka Taskinen:
We are practising in Turku and Helsinki, but originally, we are of course from Turku-area, but as well from Pori and Lahti. And we have lived in different cities and countries, so we are actually all over from Finland.

How did you came up with the idea to found your band „Heavy Breathers“ and what is the meaning behind your band‘s name? Since when are you playing together?

Jukka Taskinen:
We just realized we are getting older, walking up on the hill is getting harder than ever and talkin´ in the phone is really breathtaking. So that´s why we are Heavy Breathers. We just though, that it would be cool to drink beer with good friends and we needed very good excuse to do it. And because of we have played in several bands earlier, like Circle, Boomhauer, Black Magic Six, Sweatmaster or Disgrace, so the best idea was to put up a new band. And so we did!

Cool, so you can resort to a huge range of different music styles and experiences. Which music genres characterize your songs? And how would you describe your music?

Jukka Taskinen:
It is some kind of desert rock from the Finnish tundra. The cold breath or breeze from the north. With a little twist of punk rock.

Mikko Luukko- Heavy Breathers
(PHOTO: Arto Alho) Mikko Luukko is one of the guitar heros of the Heavy Breathers.

What about your first single „Conquistador“. What is the song about and how can you describe the sound?

Jukka Taskinen:
Conquistador is a bit exceptional song from us; a slow, melancholic, a bit disturbing story about relationship, where you give it all, but still you get walked over totally. The song on single was recorded with one take, except the vocals.

You have just released your first Mini-album „Sweet Dreams“ too. Besides „Conquistador“, which other kind of songs we will find on your first EP? And what will you express with the album cover?

Jukka Taskinen:
Our album „Sweet Dreams“ is a three songs single or EP released digitally and on vinyl. “Conquistador”, “Sweet Dreams” and “Desert Fox” are the songs on vinyl, and there is one more song released digitally, called “We Drive With You”. There´s no big plan about cover art. We just picked up good pictures for the mood of the songs.

EP Sweet Dreams - Heavy Breathers
(PHOTO: Heavy Breathers) The Heavy Breathers have just released their first EP „Sweet Dreams“!

Who is writing all the songs? And how do you get inspiration for songwriting?

Jukka Taskinen:
Nowadays we are most likely jamming new songs at our rehearsal room, sometimes somebody comes up with a new idea or part of the song. But it is team work moreover. Lyrically, I have been in charge of them. We have no specific theme lyrically or musically. It depends on the mood or how drunk we are in our rehearsal cave. *smiling*

Julius Jääskelainen - Heavy Breathers - Arto Alho
(PHOTO: Arto Alho) Julius Jääskelainen of Heavy Breathers playing guitar live on stage.

You have already toured in Finland with your band. How was the response and and what was your most amazing gig, you will keep in mind from this tour?

Jukka Taskinen:
We have been pretty busy with our other bands, families and work. So we have not played so many show so far, but latest ones with Cosmo Jones Beat Machine have been pretty great. Looks and sounds like we are co-operating better day by day also live.

In late October 2019 you will start your Mini-release tour in Germany. Have you ever been to Germany before and do you already have a fanbase in Germany?

Jukka Taskinen:
This is first time for Heavy Breathers, but we all have been regularly on tour in Germany with our nowadays or previous bands. Like I have been on tour with both Mikko´s in Germany, but we have played in different bands those days. I have met Julius while we both have been on tour in Germany. So I bet we are going to do this all pretty ok, with this experience what we have had.

Mikko Lappalainen - Heavy Breathers
(PHOTO: Arto Alho) Mikko Lappalainen is the man of the „breathtaking beats“.

What have you heard about the German music scene and culture?

Jukka Taskinen:
A lot. Personally, I have played about 200 to 300 shows only in Germany, so it is very hard to actually think where to start from… it is of course a big and great audience you have there, people are curious in positive way – and also a bit crazy sometimes. Drummer Mikko and I, we are also introduced into German cuisine and beer culture, which is breathtaking….

What are your plans for 2020?

Jukka Taskinen:
More releases will come up 2020. Couple of shows. Hopefully and album as well next year. Breathing heavier.

Do you have some Finland tips for us?

Jukka Taskinen:
Do not come here during the winter. Southern part of Finland the weather is very horrible, no snow, just cold slush raining every day down from the sky and no sunshine until May. Unless you like it and you have to be a bit perv in that case…

Thank you for the interview. I am really curious to give your first EP „Sweet Dreams“ a listen!

Jukka Taskinen:
Thanks. See you soon at our concert at Sonic Ballroom in Cologne!

About the heavy psych rock band Heavy Breathers from Finland

Heavy Breathers
(PHOTO: Annukka Issakainen) The music of the Finnish band Heavy Breathers is in the true sense of the word „breathtaking“.

Heavy Breathers are a heavy Psychedelic Rock band from Finland. Members are Julius Jääskeläinen (guitar), Mikko Lappalainen (drums), Mikko Luukko (guitar, vocals) and Jukka Taskinen (guitar, vocals, songwriting). Their music is a great mix of different music styles like, Heavy and Psychedelic Rock, Alternative Rock and Metal. In August the band released their first single “Conquistador” under the music label Axis of Evil Records. Their first mini-album “Sweet dreams” has been released on October 11th 2019 too and in late October 2019, the band will come on tour to Germany! More information about the band on Facebook, Soundcloud and Youtube.

Heavy Breathers – Germany tour dates 2019

  • 31.10.2019: Immerhin Würzburg
  • 01.11.2019: Sonic Ballroom, Cologne
  • 02.11.2019: Alte Hackerei, Karlsruhe
  • 03.11.2019: Klangmanufaktur Sebnitz e.V., Sebnitz

*This blog post is a cooperation with the Finnish psychedelic rock band Heavy Breathers, who invited me to their concert in Cologne. 

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